Sunday, December 18, 2011

Transcendentalist Society- Con/Pro Essay

Walden Island would be an ideal transcendentalist society. Everyone would be a unique cog on Walden Island while being surrounded by the acceptance of others, freedom, and peaceful nature. These words have never been used to describe a society in the history of mankind and never will be. The truth is Walden Island would just be too perfect for the tainted minds of humans. Many would state that they would gladly be part of a transcendentalist society like Walden without losing sanity but Walden’s isolationist ideas and government would cause everyone to swim away within a day.
            In this modern day and age a society structured off isolationist ideas would fail every time. One of Walden Island’s key features is a no foreign trade policy. All tangible items on the island would be built there. Walden has a vast amount of natural resources and would support human life just fine. Citizens would want conformist items like certain types of technology; such as cell phones and I pads. One, a transcendentalist society does not allow conformity and two, producing these things would require materials from many different parts of the world. The only problem is that Walden is a transcendentalist society and does not allow foreign trade. With isolationist ideas Walden Island would be hated by both its citizens and the rest of the world. Without sympathy from anyone a society will never flourish.
            The only possible way this society may be able to function would be to have a select group of people placed on Walden to maintain the island and live there. These people would need to be extremely self sufficient, care about nature, have a very accepting thought process, and be able to live in pure simplicity. Overall, they must be untouched by this poisonous world. This may seem like a fictitious thought but could be possible. The island itself would supply them with all necessities. There would then be no reason to fall into the clutches of conformity. Humans were but on this world to live off the bear minimum and that is what the citizens of Walden Island intend to do. With this handpicked population a transcendentalist society would emerge naturally.
            Every society needs some form of government. Walden features an advanced form of direct democracy. It will not put any group or select person in charge of the society. All meaningful topics will be voted on with the help of civil servants who would set up elections. This form of government would never be achieved due to the one thing that humans can never pass up. Power. When power is dangled from a thread in front of people it is pounced upon like ravenous animals on wounded prey. If one does not strive for power another person will. This is just how we are raised in this modern world. You are a better person if your paycheck is higher than the man standing next to you. This is quite pitiful but it is the truth. This is why a direct democracy would never work in any society.
            Walden Island would be classified more as a myth than an achievable feat. The transcendentalist views of society would prove to be too demanding of the world’s population. In order for this type of society to function there would be too many hoops to jump through and in the long run the island would ultimately fail. The human mind is both interesting and disgraceful at the same time. Depending on which type of person possesses it and what he or she does with it. In the end human evolution would be the catalyst of destruction on Walden Island.  In all, Walden Island requests too much of humans and would never work as a functional and efficient society.              

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dead Poet Society

     In the movie Dead Poet Society conformity was everything. Look, act, and talk like everyone else or suffer the consequences. Welton is a high class, all male, boarding school and conformity was it's middle name. wake up, receive piles of homework, study, and off to bed. Day after day this would be the average agenda for a student attending Welton. Bland would be an understatement of Welton. It is hard for any one to show their true colors under the unrelenting force of never-ending homework and studying looming by a thread over a student. One transcendentalist act at Welton would be as a knife that would sever the feeble string holding the weight of the world off one's head. This pushes the students at Welton to conformity. Their thought process was be the same and no harm will come knocking upon their doorstep. Conformity can also prove to be a danger in some cases.
      This year at Welton a new teacher was hired. Mr. Keating was not old, did not have grey hair, and had an actual sense of humor. He soon became very popular with the boys he taught. He inspired them to be there selves and to follow their beliefs and to disregard all things holding them back from accomplishing this goal. Finally the boys at Welton had been given inspiration. Do not fall to conformity! This unfortunately led to a tragic event. Due to Mr. Keating's preaching one of his students decided to take up acting. Neil had always wanted to act but this was never in his father's predetermined path set for Neil. His father rejected him as an actor after Neil's first and final play. He could never recover from his fathers rejection and conformist thoughts. That night Neil committed suicide and his parents blamed Mr. Keating for this tragedy. In this case nonconformity did prove to be a very dangerous choice.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Modern Day Transcendentalist

    Transcendentalists are those who can live their lives through their beliefs and theirs only. A transcendentalist never has a set path in his or her life. One will awake in the morning and do what they please without the input of others. One who does not care about what other people think about him/her. One who truly shows off their true "colors" constantly. Throughout history there have been very few wholesome transcendentalists, especially in this modern day and age. Steven Tyler fits the description of a modern day transcendentalist despite the atmosphere of the acidic world in which we live in today.

     Steven Tyler was born on March 26, 1948 in Yonkers, New York. Steven Tyler is an American singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist. As the lead singer of the extremely famous rock band Aerosmith, Tyler has been living his life through his own beliefs and on edge, no doubt since day one. If he feels like doing something he does it controversial or not. His reputation has always taken a back seat in his mind and has never influenced him to do anything. He has become famous not by living like everyone else but by mastering a craft he has lived by his entire life like Thoreau and his flute. Tyler's wardrobe is most likely one of the most diverse in the world considering some of the things he will wear. As a rock star most of his songs reflect upon life and rebellion. Like It Feels So Good. In all, Tyler is a very well know transcendentalist and has influenced the lives of many with his songwriting and gifted instrumental abilities.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Walden Essay


         Today in modern society the expansion of technology and innovation surrounds nearly everyone who walks this earth. Internet, cars, and phones prove to be necessities in this modern age. Many would not be able to tolerate life without the aid of technology, which is supposedly simplifying their lives. It is difficult to find anyone whose life has not been affected due to technology. No matter how hard one my try the state of simplicity will always be impossible to achieve.

One could simplify their life if certain measures are taken. The first step would be to move to a place that has yet to be tampered with by humans. The area should be still and the only sounds would be those of Mother Nature. A suitable shelter must be constructed and then one must take on the life of Henry Thoreau who only used the surrounding land to live off of wile still maintaining the balance of nature and human interaction.


            No matter how far one may run into the woods technology and innovation will still detour them from accomplishing their goal of a simple life. To begin with mankind has a sick addiction to technology. Without it would spell disaster. If one were to strip their body of all technology and move to a very isolated location good for them but airplanes would still fly above, phone towers would still rise, and soon more people will arrive and turn that very plot of land into the next lively city. Without technology one would be living in the shadow of the advancing world. In time the jaws of technology
will clamp shut on the thought of simplicity.   



            Technology plays a major role in all of our lives. Letting go of it would only lead to negative consequences. Simplicity will never be reached with technology still in the mix. Until technology is gone or relied on much less one cannot lead a simple life. Technology is destroying much of this beautiful earth and soon mankind will not even know the definition of simplicity, which lies deep within nature. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Student Declaration of Independence

Student Declaration of Independence

I.                   Declaration of Student Rights
We, as students of Grosse Pointe South High School, deserve basic rights as young adults. Being in a public school, a student deserves freedom while maintaining discipline. The student should have the right to dress, express, and act the way they want to, as long as it is appropriate for a school environment. The student should be able to make decisions for their own self that benefit them and the school.
Academically, with the vast majority of classes offered, the student should be able to take whichever classes they want, as long as it goes along with their ability level. The student has to complete certain academic requirements, but the electives are their choice, it all depends on their interests and expression. If the student chooses to take seven academic classes, it is their right. If the student chooses to take the bare minimum of academic classes and the rest classes of their choice, it is their right.
With extracurriculars, the student has the right to participate in whichever pertains to them. From orchestra to choir to sports to clubs, there is about everything offered to interest a student. No administration should have the right to stop these activities; the students have the right to keep them ongoing for as long as they choose.
Being in high school, open campus should be an automatic right for the student. For lunch especially, it allows the students to choose wherever they want to go that interests them. When it comes to attendance, the student should be allowed to take full advantage of the open campus while respecting the attendance policy. As long as approved by the parent, the student should always have the right to leave if sick, injured, or for other reasons. Going along with attendance, the student should always have the right to have the weekends off, holiday breaks off, and occasional regular school days off. Constantly having homework and work to do is not always to the student’s interest, so these breaks are necessary.
When it comes to teachers and counselors, the student should always have the right to communicate with them, whether it be for help or other reasons. Teachers should always be willing to accept the student for their personality and behavior, and to create a good relationship with each one of them. Students have the right to talk to them and counselors, to figure out what is best for them, for help, whatever it best for them.
A student of Grosse Pointe South should have many rights, being a public school. The student should have the right to express themselves academically, through sports and activities, and whatever other ways they choose. School should be a place to benefit the student, give them rights is the best way of showing it.

II.                10 Complaints
I.        Start time- The start time is just too early. It is easier to get up when it is lighter out. The extra half hour that we could add to the start time would increase the attendance in school. It would increase the attendance because the students would most likely get up on time and not skip their first hour. This would boost the grades of the students in the school.
II.      No free period like other schools- Other schools, like Ligget, have a free period when you can do what ever you want. We should also have designated rooms where students can take naps, like in China at some work places. This free period would recharge students’ brains, and work harder. This period could not only be for taking naps, but you can catch up on work, or go get food. Students will not sleep as much in class because they know they have a nap coming up.
III.    Homework on weekends- Homework on weekends is rarely done. Rather than wasting the assignment, we should be given the homework during the week. The undone or half-way done assignments bring down students grades. There is no point to assigning work that will not get done, because without doing the homework, students will not understand the topic. Without understanding the topic, students will not do will on the test that teachers will subsequently give.
IV.    No snow days- Snow days are rarely had here in Grosse Pointe. Even if the entire state and surrounding states are not in school, we still have school. It should not matter that we do not have buses; some of us still need to get rides to school. If there is enough snow to close down most schools in the surrounding areas that would mean that it is too cold to walk. Also, it is very hard to drive in those conditions, so students could be late to school because of difficult driving conditions.
V.      Electronic use in classrooms- The electronic policy is pretty strict. Students should be allowed to use their iPods or other devices after they finish a test, or while homework is being done in class. If they are not disrupting the other students, it should not be a big deal. IPods help some people be more focused and get more done faster. If students got their homework done faster in school, then they would have less at home, and it would be more likely to get done, and not be a zero.
VI.    Lunch too short- The time we get for lunch just does not cut if. If a student wants to go across the street to Subway, then they barely have time to eat. By increasing the lunch period by just ten minutes, it would give the students a chance to go somewhere to get food and to enjoy it. It would also give students minds a break, and have a chance to recharge. Being rushed during lunch is not fun, so adding the extra ten minutes would make it more of a relaxing period.
VII.  Attendance policy- Students are not allowed enough absences. Ten absences are not very many for an entire semester. There are sometimes issues with illness, doctors’ appointments, and even custody. It makes it very hard for students to feel like they can stay home and recover from an illness, when they feel they might miss too many days of school. Even just making the days absent to twelve would greatly improve the attendance policy.
VIII.                        Food/Drink policy- Teachers do not want their students leaving class for any reason, so if drinks were allowed in class, it would take away one reason for students to leave. Also, sometimes students do not get a chance to eat breakfast in the morning. So, being allowed to eat in a classroom would be very helpful. As long as the foods or drinks are not mess or distracting there should not be a problem. Eating and drinking can also help some students concentrate, which would lead to higher grades and test scores.
IX.    Tests and Quizzes on Mondays- Having a quiz or test on a Monday makes life more difficult. Some students will forget over the weekend, and some just will not study, because it is the weekend and they do not feel like it. It is very difficult to have a quiz or test on a Monday because the student did not have the review day the day before, they had it three days before. The extra night to prepare if the test was on a Tuesday, would give the students who did study over the weekend a chance at a better grade. Tests and quizzes on Mondays are harder to concentrate on, because it was just the weekend, where students stayed up late, and are now tired.
X.      Unnecessary required credits (computers, art, health, etc.)- Some required credits are just unnecessary. Some students are not very good at computers, or art, and just do not want to know about health. Not doing well in these classes that they have no interest in taking will just bring down their overall grade point average. These classes are sometimes mundane to students, and serve no real purpose. Some students want to take an arts class, or computer class, and they should be able to, but it should not be required that every student do so.

III.             Concluding Statement

The students are the majority of the population at Grosse Pointe South. Therefore it is only fair that the student body make most of the decisions, or at least get a say in the matter. Instead we are forced to go to a school where we don’t agree with half of the rules and policies. We, the student body, are taking a stand. The student body is revolting against the school, the board and Mr. Provenzano. We are told as teenagers that we need at least 8 hours of sleep that is hard to do when school starts at 8:00 A.M. we should be able to come to school at a reasonable hour. We deserve a free period every day, just a single hour a day where we can do homework or anything within reason. The weekend is a time for students to be relieved of stress and take a break, we are swamped with sports, drama, and homework all week, the student body deserves to have no homework over the weekend. The fact that we have one snow day a year is preposterous! It can be below zero degrees and we still must come to school, when schools like L’Anse Cruse have two in a row, we must get more then one snow day. There should be and acceptance of electronics in class rooms, high school students are old enough to be able to use a cell phone in class. Students go to school for approximately eight hours a day, it should not be too much to ask to have a longer lunch. When you are legitimately sick you should not be penalized, you should still be getting credit for taking the class as long as you get the work done. We get to eat once a day, that is it! We are not allowed to eat or drink anything in class, and that is just not fair because teachers can eat what they want when they want it and the students just have suck it up and be hungry. When there are tests and quizzes on Mondays it makes it difficult to get a good grade because you cannot ask questions and no teenage wants to have to worry about studying all weekend. When we are forced to go to school we should be able to pick what classes we take, not be forced to take unimportant classes such as computers. It is the student’s school; therefore the students should make the decisions. We will not cease until our new requirements are met. It is time for the students to take a stand. We will no longer be walked over and bossed around. Our demands must be met or there will be consequences.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Crucible Epilogue

Epilogue for Reverend Hale
            The horrid hangings had finally ended in Salem along with the witch trials. The town was once more a tranquil place but this peace had cost the lives of many. There would be a scar forever gouged through the back bone of Salem society. Reverend Hale had taken some of the blame upon himself for the trials. He later figured that it was his undertaking to preach to the world about the fictitious beliefs in witchcraft. Reverend Hale then set out on his valiant expedition with the thought of accomplishing his goal engraved in his mind.
            It was a bright and sunny, Saturday morning in Salem. The birds were singing their early morning tunes and the town was alive as usual. Bitter goodbyes were exchanged between Hale and Parris in the brisk morning air. Hale would soon be on his way, dedicated to spreading his true thoughts on the topic of witchcraft. With the crack of a whip his carriage began to roll out of Salem were he could not bear to live much longer. Hale was destined for Beverly, Massachusetts that was his hometown and where his wife Sarah Hale was living. Here Hale would rest and acquire the supplies needed to begin his campaign. With the thoughts of the Salem witch trials still fresh in his mind he set out on his journey.
            Hale’s first stop was at the small town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He had a friend there who was also relatively powerful and skeptical of witchcraft. After his extensive trip Hale had finally stopped his buggy outside of Reverend Joseph of Portsmouth’s home. It was a very joyful meeting between the two considering that they had not seen or heard from each other in over five years. After getting caught up on life Hale dozed off. Later he was awakened by the echoing sound of booming cheers. Hale’s curiosity got the better of him and wiping the drowsiness off of his face shot out of his bed and ran to the town square. What Hale stumbled upon both shocked and confused his tired and emotionally battered self. Five poor looking people were being prepared to be hung! “Die witches!” was the prevailing chant of the observing crowd. Hale frantically searched for Joseph and discovered him sitting on a rock excluded from the crowd with a terrible expression occupying his face. Joseph grasped Hale by the shoulder and they then returned to his home with no words exchanged.
            Joseph locked the door behind them and then lit a small candle on the dinner table were the two sat and began to talk. Joseph explained to Hale that recently a young girl had come to Portsmouth and since her arrival the fear of witchcraft had been embedded into the minds of the citizens. Hangings for accused witches then began with haste. “The girl goes by the name of Abigail” This statement spoken by Joseph put a look of emptiness upon the face of Hale. Hale then asked Joseph were she was staying and if he could borrow a hammer. Joseph replied, “About ten minutes down the road, why do you need a hammer?” Hale then said, “You have been the greatest of friends Joseph but now I must finish something that I started a while ago. I will not let her do it again.” That was the last Joseph or anyone else ever heard from Hale. To this day the disappearance of Reverend Hale ended the hangings in Portsmouth as well as the thought of witchcraft along the entire East coast of the United States. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Crucible Essay

     In the spring of the year 1692 Salem, Massachusetts was under attack by witches. According to citizens the devil was running wild through the streets of Salem with no restraints. Something must be done! Many were brought to court and tried, many were guilty and many were hung. Witchcraft was not a joke back in Puritan society. If someone did not believe in the Bible word for word then they could not be referred to as a true Puritan.  So who were the founders of this terrible lie of witchcraft? Most would argue that Reverend Hale, Abigail Williams, and John Proctor began this tragic lie that ended many innocent lives.
     To begin with, Reverend Hale could have ended the lie in it's early stages. When Reverend Parris first discovered Abby and the girls playing in the woods he frightened them to the point of his daughter Betty fainting. Suspecting witchcraft he called upon Reverend Hale to examine his daughter Betty and to question the girls. After reviewing the case he believed it was indeed witchcraft and was sucked into the lie. "Tituba; the devil is out and preying on her like a beast upon the flesh of a pure lamb"(47). This was one of the most vital parts in the entire novel, Hale had fallen victim to the merciless lie! If the lie had been killed here no one would have died for the silly crime of witchcraft.
     Second of all, Abby and the girls would have admitted the lie if it wasn't for John Proctor. Abby had an affair with John and since that day she was psychopathically addicted to him. Proctor had even admitted this in court, "I have known her, sir. I have known her."(110). She had a crazy reason to follow the lie she created. Her plan was to gain the town's respect and to eventually accuse Elizabeth Proctor of Witchcraft and with Elizabeth out of the way her and John could then live happily ever after. Her plans would soon be dashed though resulting in the deaths of John, Elizabeth, and many others.
     In all, Abigail was the main reason in starting the Salem witch trials. She had started the lie and had ran away after she had killed her primary objective, John and many others along the way. "She comes to me every night to go and drink blood!"(44). These words uttered from Abby's lips began the sick and twisted lie which cost the lives of many. She was truly crazy, one who had no respect for human life. No one really questioned Abby about her and the girl's story because they were all somewhat "high up" in their society. Therefore, the girl's lying could not be stopped. Abby commanded the girls as minions and with them under her control she would not be stopped.
     In conclusion, Abigail Williams, John Proctor, and Reverend Hale were most responsible for the Salem Witch trials. John was the reason for the lie to start and spread, Reverend Hale confirmed the horrid lie, and Abby put it in action. This chain of events did not bode well for the town of Salem and it took awhile for the citizens to recover from it. Many good and loving people were murdered for no reason thanks to a disgusting lie of witchcraft. This novel demonstrates how bad a lie can truly be and how terrible the consequences are.            


Monday, October 3, 2011

Crucible Post 2

    Telling a lie is usually never a good idea. No one ever wants to utter a lie but in some cases one must be told. As Hale travels from house to house looking for witches he eventually arrives at the Proctor residence. There he questions John and Elizabeth about the suspicion of Elizabeth being a witch. John is appalled. Still he states that he believes in witches even though he does not. A lie spoken seeking only personal protection. Keep in mind that even a very strong man like John was willing to tell a particularly large lie under pressure. Overall, I think I would not have lied like John in that situation.
    Sure, I lie every once in a while but if you put me in the situation John was in I would tell Hale that witches do not exist. If that was my wife about to be taken away on behalf of witchcraft lying would be out of the question. If it required me to go against the bible regarding witchcraft I would, even if I were addressing a very powerful man like Mr. Hale. Maybe, an honest statement is what Hale needed in that situation and the girl's plan would have been tattered. It is amazing how some honesty can affect your future. People will view you as you would like to be viewed in society and if some don't agree with you so be it they have the right to hold their own opinions. In conclusion, you should never tell a lie no matter what consequences may face you, especially a life or death situation.      

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crucible Post 1

    In the begging of act one it seemed that Reverend Parris possessed all the power. As head of the church his ruling was final, no questions asked. Obey him or you would be frowned upon by God. In the begging of act one he uses this power to manipulate the poor town of Salem after finding his niece Abby, his daughter Betty, Tituba, and others doing strange things in the forest. Parris shocks the girls and causes Betty to faint. Witchcraft! Parris will not stand to let this rumor spread. His main priority is to maintain his religious position, putting his Daughter's health aside. Betty and Abby though would soon steal his valued power.
    Near the end of act one the power shifts to four girls in the community. Those girls include Abigail, Betty, Mercy lewis, and Marry Warren. From the moment Parris caught them in the forest they instantly obtained the power. The rumor of witchcraft began to spread. Then the fingers began to fly. She's a witch, no, he is. no one was safe. Back then being named a witch was no joke. Death was imminent if you couldn't miraculously explain that you are innocent. Many names were mentioned by the girls. They could basically kill anyone they wanted to. They had the power of death in their arsenal and they will use it freely. Someone must stop their horrific blame game.      

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sinners Follow Up Post

       In the modern world in which we live in today many would respond differently to the Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God sermon delivered by Jonathan Edwards. "The bow of God's wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow..."(97). If someone today had read this line who was moderately religious they would be decently frightened. In the seventeen hundreds though religion consumed nearly ninety percent of an average person's life. This line would have terrified all who were listening especially when uttered from the lips of a religious official. "God has laid himself under no obligation by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell one moment."(96). This line though would demoralize all who would be slightly religious, no matter what day or age. Overall, every one who is religious would be afraid of god's wrath in one form or another after being exposed to this sermon.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the hands of an angry God" post

            The sermon “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” struck everyone with fear during the colonization of the Americas. The sermon was delivered by Jonathan Edwards July 8th 1741 and to this day is recalled to as the most famous sermon that had ever been preached on American soil. Edwards believed that hell was a real place for sinners. His extreme imagery brought grown men to their knees begging not to be struck by god’s wrath. The sermon sparked enough panic to start a spiritual revival known as the great awakening. Despair was embedded into the colonies.
            In the sermon I expect to hear a variety of terrible things. I believe Edwards is going to describe hell with imposing detail as to what he envisions hell to be. Edwards is going to clearly state what happens to sinners. To no degree will this be merciful. God is going to purify the world of sinners in Edwards mind. If you have sinned you are not safe. I believe this is the mindset behind Edward’s gruesome sermon.          

Monday, September 12, 2011

Descriptive Post

     Your lungs fill with brisk, dence air. An eery silence is present in a place known for echoing cheers and boos. The glossy white surface seems innocent but one must be skilled to maneuver across it. The white plane is then shredded with steel blades and it's once noticeable bold, dark blue, red and circular lines are reduced to a faint outline. Banners are hung high on the walls and rafters. Plexiglas keeps the slick surface at bay aided by thick plastic boards. Amateurs become professionals here and Detroit is known for being a leader in the sport. If you haven't noticed yet you are sitting in the bleachers of an ice rink were the breathtaking sport of hockey is played.    

Sunday, September 11, 2011


   Expectations will be raised dramatically for Honors American Literature this year.
    First of all, homework will be doubled and expanded. This consumes a great deal of time and will prove to be a conflict in some cases. Personal and sporting events constantly impeads the completion of homework, making it difficult to stay on top of assignments. Students also recieve work from six other classes. With all this work an empty schedual can be filled almost instantly. This is hard on a student because usually when they begin to write they take their time to hammer out their assignment to the best of their ability. Overall, a challenging literature assignment can spell disaster for a hard working student.
    In addition, class readings and activitys will be more demanding. With age comes responsibility. Sadly responsibility comes with more imposing class work. As grade levels increase reading levels do to. Books just keep getting thicker and thicker. For many this may seem to be an impossible feat to accomplish. Being an Honors American Literature student though it is expected that the book will be completed with haste. So that is what the class shall do.
    Lastly, the tests will require more thought and preparation. Being ready for a test usually gurantees success. This is what the class is expected to do, of course. The final and midterm seem awfully commanding but with the right amount of studying they can be subdued with ease. Honors students are infered to do well on these tests. This constantly applies pressure on the student. Tests are regularly on student's minds, especialy if the subject may seem challenging.
   In conclusion, Honors American Literature students are supposably the smartest kids in the school and are expected to perform in class.              

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

about me

 My name is Joe Toth. I am currently a sophomore at South High School. My hobbies include playing sports, card games, boating, and hanging out with friends. I have a younger brother and sister attending Pierce middle school. Six members of my family are teachers and trust me this is sometimes not a good thing! I enjoy playing travel hockey and baseball when I'm not at school. If you can't find me chances are I'm at the rink.
 Hockey has been my passion since I was four years old. One day I had stumbled into the family room the Red Wings were on TV and I was in love with the sport at first sight. I thought to myself, how can a man glide across ice with that amount of precision, speed, and ease. After bugging my parents to no extent I found myself grasping to the boards attempting to keep my balance on the slick ice. Over the years my teams and I have been very successful winning many tournaments and constantly being at the top of our division. Talk is cheap, action is what matters.
 My favorite vacation spot is a golf resort called Olglebay in the hills of Wheeling, West Virginia. Every summer my Dad's side of the family ventures to the beautiful resort. For a week there is a golf outing every day. Tensions rise on the greens and the only thought in the minds of everyone is to post the lowest score at the end of the day. When the sun falls from the sky it is time to go to the surrounding ponds to catch some bass and have some fun. Then later the euchre tournament begins. A week spent at Olglebay is simply living the good life with no worries. Well now you know a little more about me as a person.