Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the hands of an angry God" post

            The sermon “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” struck everyone with fear during the colonization of the Americas. The sermon was delivered by Jonathan Edwards July 8th 1741 and to this day is recalled to as the most famous sermon that had ever been preached on American soil. Edwards believed that hell was a real place for sinners. His extreme imagery brought grown men to their knees begging not to be struck by god’s wrath. The sermon sparked enough panic to start a spiritual revival known as the great awakening. Despair was embedded into the colonies.
            In the sermon I expect to hear a variety of terrible things. I believe Edwards is going to describe hell with imposing detail as to what he envisions hell to be. Edwards is going to clearly state what happens to sinners. To no degree will this be merciful. God is going to purify the world of sinners in Edwards mind. If you have sinned you are not safe. I believe this is the mindset behind Edward’s gruesome sermon.          

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