Wednesday, September 7, 2011

about me

 My name is Joe Toth. I am currently a sophomore at South High School. My hobbies include playing sports, card games, boating, and hanging out with friends. I have a younger brother and sister attending Pierce middle school. Six members of my family are teachers and trust me this is sometimes not a good thing! I enjoy playing travel hockey and baseball when I'm not at school. If you can't find me chances are I'm at the rink.
 Hockey has been my passion since I was four years old. One day I had stumbled into the family room the Red Wings were on TV and I was in love with the sport at first sight. I thought to myself, how can a man glide across ice with that amount of precision, speed, and ease. After bugging my parents to no extent I found myself grasping to the boards attempting to keep my balance on the slick ice. Over the years my teams and I have been very successful winning many tournaments and constantly being at the top of our division. Talk is cheap, action is what matters.
 My favorite vacation spot is a golf resort called Olglebay in the hills of Wheeling, West Virginia. Every summer my Dad's side of the family ventures to the beautiful resort. For a week there is a golf outing every day. Tensions rise on the greens and the only thought in the minds of everyone is to post the lowest score at the end of the day. When the sun falls from the sky it is time to go to the surrounding ponds to catch some bass and have some fun. Then later the euchre tournament begins. A week spent at Olglebay is simply living the good life with no worries. Well now you know a little more about me as a person.              

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