Sunday, October 9, 2011

Crucible Essay

     In the spring of the year 1692 Salem, Massachusetts was under attack by witches. According to citizens the devil was running wild through the streets of Salem with no restraints. Something must be done! Many were brought to court and tried, many were guilty and many were hung. Witchcraft was not a joke back in Puritan society. If someone did not believe in the Bible word for word then they could not be referred to as a true Puritan.  So who were the founders of this terrible lie of witchcraft? Most would argue that Reverend Hale, Abigail Williams, and John Proctor began this tragic lie that ended many innocent lives.
     To begin with, Reverend Hale could have ended the lie in it's early stages. When Reverend Parris first discovered Abby and the girls playing in the woods he frightened them to the point of his daughter Betty fainting. Suspecting witchcraft he called upon Reverend Hale to examine his daughter Betty and to question the girls. After reviewing the case he believed it was indeed witchcraft and was sucked into the lie. "Tituba; the devil is out and preying on her like a beast upon the flesh of a pure lamb"(47). This was one of the most vital parts in the entire novel, Hale had fallen victim to the merciless lie! If the lie had been killed here no one would have died for the silly crime of witchcraft.
     Second of all, Abby and the girls would have admitted the lie if it wasn't for John Proctor. Abby had an affair with John and since that day she was psychopathically addicted to him. Proctor had even admitted this in court, "I have known her, sir. I have known her."(110). She had a crazy reason to follow the lie she created. Her plan was to gain the town's respect and to eventually accuse Elizabeth Proctor of Witchcraft and with Elizabeth out of the way her and John could then live happily ever after. Her plans would soon be dashed though resulting in the deaths of John, Elizabeth, and many others.
     In all, Abigail was the main reason in starting the Salem witch trials. She had started the lie and had ran away after she had killed her primary objective, John and many others along the way. "She comes to me every night to go and drink blood!"(44). These words uttered from Abby's lips began the sick and twisted lie which cost the lives of many. She was truly crazy, one who had no respect for human life. No one really questioned Abby about her and the girl's story because they were all somewhat "high up" in their society. Therefore, the girl's lying could not be stopped. Abby commanded the girls as minions and with them under her control she would not be stopped.
     In conclusion, Abigail Williams, John Proctor, and Reverend Hale were most responsible for the Salem Witch trials. John was the reason for the lie to start and spread, Reverend Hale confirmed the horrid lie, and Abby put it in action. This chain of events did not bode well for the town of Salem and it took awhile for the citizens to recover from it. Many good and loving people were murdered for no reason thanks to a disgusting lie of witchcraft. This novel demonstrates how bad a lie can truly be and how terrible the consequences are.            


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