Monday, October 3, 2011

Crucible Post 2

    Telling a lie is usually never a good idea. No one ever wants to utter a lie but in some cases one must be told. As Hale travels from house to house looking for witches he eventually arrives at the Proctor residence. There he questions John and Elizabeth about the suspicion of Elizabeth being a witch. John is appalled. Still he states that he believes in witches even though he does not. A lie spoken seeking only personal protection. Keep in mind that even a very strong man like John was willing to tell a particularly large lie under pressure. Overall, I think I would not have lied like John in that situation.
    Sure, I lie every once in a while but if you put me in the situation John was in I would tell Hale that witches do not exist. If that was my wife about to be taken away on behalf of witchcraft lying would be out of the question. If it required me to go against the bible regarding witchcraft I would, even if I were addressing a very powerful man like Mr. Hale. Maybe, an honest statement is what Hale needed in that situation and the girl's plan would have been tattered. It is amazing how some honesty can affect your future. People will view you as you would like to be viewed in society and if some don't agree with you so be it they have the right to hold their own opinions. In conclusion, you should never tell a lie no matter what consequences may face you, especially a life or death situation.      

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