Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dead Poet Society

     In the movie Dead Poet Society conformity was everything. Look, act, and talk like everyone else or suffer the consequences. Welton is a high class, all male, boarding school and conformity was it's middle name. wake up, receive piles of homework, study, and off to bed. Day after day this would be the average agenda for a student attending Welton. Bland would be an understatement of Welton. It is hard for any one to show their true colors under the unrelenting force of never-ending homework and studying looming by a thread over a student. One transcendentalist act at Welton would be as a knife that would sever the feeble string holding the weight of the world off one's head. This pushes the students at Welton to conformity. Their thought process was be the same and no harm will come knocking upon their doorstep. Conformity can also prove to be a danger in some cases.
      This year at Welton a new teacher was hired. Mr. Keating was not old, did not have grey hair, and had an actual sense of humor. He soon became very popular with the boys he taught. He inspired them to be there selves and to follow their beliefs and to disregard all things holding them back from accomplishing this goal. Finally the boys at Welton had been given inspiration. Do not fall to conformity! This unfortunately led to a tragic event. Due to Mr. Keating's preaching one of his students decided to take up acting. Neil had always wanted to act but this was never in his father's predetermined path set for Neil. His father rejected him as an actor after Neil's first and final play. He could never recover from his fathers rejection and conformist thoughts. That night Neil committed suicide and his parents blamed Mr. Keating for this tragedy. In this case nonconformity did prove to be a very dangerous choice.

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