Sunday, November 13, 2011

Modern Day Transcendentalist

    Transcendentalists are those who can live their lives through their beliefs and theirs only. A transcendentalist never has a set path in his or her life. One will awake in the morning and do what they please without the input of others. One who does not care about what other people think about him/her. One who truly shows off their true "colors" constantly. Throughout history there have been very few wholesome transcendentalists, especially in this modern day and age. Steven Tyler fits the description of a modern day transcendentalist despite the atmosphere of the acidic world in which we live in today.

     Steven Tyler was born on March 26, 1948 in Yonkers, New York. Steven Tyler is an American singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist. As the lead singer of the extremely famous rock band Aerosmith, Tyler has been living his life through his own beliefs and on edge, no doubt since day one. If he feels like doing something he does it controversial or not. His reputation has always taken a back seat in his mind and has never influenced him to do anything. He has become famous not by living like everyone else but by mastering a craft he has lived by his entire life like Thoreau and his flute. Tyler's wardrobe is most likely one of the most diverse in the world considering some of the things he will wear. As a rock star most of his songs reflect upon life and rebellion. Like It Feels So Good. In all, Tyler is a very well know transcendentalist and has influenced the lives of many with his songwriting and gifted instrumental abilities.

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