Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crucible Post 1

    In the begging of act one it seemed that Reverend Parris possessed all the power. As head of the church his ruling was final, no questions asked. Obey him or you would be frowned upon by God. In the begging of act one he uses this power to manipulate the poor town of Salem after finding his niece Abby, his daughter Betty, Tituba, and others doing strange things in the forest. Parris shocks the girls and causes Betty to faint. Witchcraft! Parris will not stand to let this rumor spread. His main priority is to maintain his religious position, putting his Daughter's health aside. Betty and Abby though would soon steal his valued power.
    Near the end of act one the power shifts to four girls in the community. Those girls include Abigail, Betty, Mercy lewis, and Marry Warren. From the moment Parris caught them in the forest they instantly obtained the power. The rumor of witchcraft began to spread. Then the fingers began to fly. She's a witch, no, he is. no one was safe. Back then being named a witch was no joke. Death was imminent if you couldn't miraculously explain that you are innocent. Many names were mentioned by the girls. They could basically kill anyone they wanted to. They had the power of death in their arsenal and they will use it freely. Someone must stop their horrific blame game.      

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sinners Follow Up Post

       In the modern world in which we live in today many would respond differently to the Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God sermon delivered by Jonathan Edwards. "The bow of God's wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow..."(97). If someone today had read this line who was moderately religious they would be decently frightened. In the seventeen hundreds though religion consumed nearly ninety percent of an average person's life. This line would have terrified all who were listening especially when uttered from the lips of a religious official. "God has laid himself under no obligation by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell one moment."(96). This line though would demoralize all who would be slightly religious, no matter what day or age. Overall, every one who is religious would be afraid of god's wrath in one form or another after being exposed to this sermon.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the hands of an angry God" post

            The sermon “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” struck everyone with fear during the colonization of the Americas. The sermon was delivered by Jonathan Edwards July 8th 1741 and to this day is recalled to as the most famous sermon that had ever been preached on American soil. Edwards believed that hell was a real place for sinners. His extreme imagery brought grown men to their knees begging not to be struck by god’s wrath. The sermon sparked enough panic to start a spiritual revival known as the great awakening. Despair was embedded into the colonies.
            In the sermon I expect to hear a variety of terrible things. I believe Edwards is going to describe hell with imposing detail as to what he envisions hell to be. Edwards is going to clearly state what happens to sinners. To no degree will this be merciful. God is going to purify the world of sinners in Edwards mind. If you have sinned you are not safe. I believe this is the mindset behind Edward’s gruesome sermon.          

Monday, September 12, 2011

Descriptive Post

     Your lungs fill with brisk, dence air. An eery silence is present in a place known for echoing cheers and boos. The glossy white surface seems innocent but one must be skilled to maneuver across it. The white plane is then shredded with steel blades and it's once noticeable bold, dark blue, red and circular lines are reduced to a faint outline. Banners are hung high on the walls and rafters. Plexiglas keeps the slick surface at bay aided by thick plastic boards. Amateurs become professionals here and Detroit is known for being a leader in the sport. If you haven't noticed yet you are sitting in the bleachers of an ice rink were the breathtaking sport of hockey is played.    

Sunday, September 11, 2011


   Expectations will be raised dramatically for Honors American Literature this year.
    First of all, homework will be doubled and expanded. This consumes a great deal of time and will prove to be a conflict in some cases. Personal and sporting events constantly impeads the completion of homework, making it difficult to stay on top of assignments. Students also recieve work from six other classes. With all this work an empty schedual can be filled almost instantly. This is hard on a student because usually when they begin to write they take their time to hammer out their assignment to the best of their ability. Overall, a challenging literature assignment can spell disaster for a hard working student.
    In addition, class readings and activitys will be more demanding. With age comes responsibility. Sadly responsibility comes with more imposing class work. As grade levels increase reading levels do to. Books just keep getting thicker and thicker. For many this may seem to be an impossible feat to accomplish. Being an Honors American Literature student though it is expected that the book will be completed with haste. So that is what the class shall do.
    Lastly, the tests will require more thought and preparation. Being ready for a test usually gurantees success. This is what the class is expected to do, of course. The final and midterm seem awfully commanding but with the right amount of studying they can be subdued with ease. Honors students are infered to do well on these tests. This constantly applies pressure on the student. Tests are regularly on student's minds, especialy if the subject may seem challenging.
   In conclusion, Honors American Literature students are supposably the smartest kids in the school and are expected to perform in class.              

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

about me

 My name is Joe Toth. I am currently a sophomore at South High School. My hobbies include playing sports, card games, boating, and hanging out with friends. I have a younger brother and sister attending Pierce middle school. Six members of my family are teachers and trust me this is sometimes not a good thing! I enjoy playing travel hockey and baseball when I'm not at school. If you can't find me chances are I'm at the rink.
 Hockey has been my passion since I was four years old. One day I had stumbled into the family room the Red Wings were on TV and I was in love with the sport at first sight. I thought to myself, how can a man glide across ice with that amount of precision, speed, and ease. After bugging my parents to no extent I found myself grasping to the boards attempting to keep my balance on the slick ice. Over the years my teams and I have been very successful winning many tournaments and constantly being at the top of our division. Talk is cheap, action is what matters.
 My favorite vacation spot is a golf resort called Olglebay in the hills of Wheeling, West Virginia. Every summer my Dad's side of the family ventures to the beautiful resort. For a week there is a golf outing every day. Tensions rise on the greens and the only thought in the minds of everyone is to post the lowest score at the end of the day. When the sun falls from the sky it is time to go to the surrounding ponds to catch some bass and have some fun. Then later the euchre tournament begins. A week spent at Olglebay is simply living the good life with no worries. Well now you know a little more about me as a person.