Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Michigan State
Annapolis “Naval Academy”
Average high school GPA
Average ACT/SAT score
Size of College
Average size of class
Travel time from home
2.5 hrs
9 hrs
5 hrs
Personal interests
Family/ Location/ History
Future/ Opportunity/ Set for life

Career Importance- The career path I follow must have many traits and be ever changing. When I step onto the worksite I want to be faced with a challenge that requires talent to solve. Without a fun and varying career it would be pointless to show up to work everyday without being on the top of your game. 
College Importance- The College that would best suit me would be one with a rich history and a rigid sports program. There is more to life besides schoolwork, many Colleges understand these morals thus the spike in sports. The college that would best suit me would be fun in and outside the classroom. 
Aerospace Engineering- Aerospace engineers design, test, and supervise the manufacture of aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles. Usually a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or more is needed to be successful. A license approved by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology is also required. This career interests me greatly. Working with things like aircraft and missiles would be fun, yet a challenge. Dimensions, air resistance, and materials are all factors into the equation and it is up to you and your team to solve. Advancing technology seems like a very enticing career path.
Materials Engineering- Materials engineers develop, process, and test materials used to create a range of products, from computer chips and aircraft wings to golf clubs and snow skis. Bachelor’s Degree required. There is so much freedom in this job, one day your boss may tell you to create a new composite blade for a hockey stick or find the best material to construct a lightweight submarine. With so many open doors it is hard to go wrong with this career path.


Senior Year- After this year I will be entering my senior year of high school. I intend to take a good amount of challenging classes including, theory of learning, AP Euro, Honors Physics and AP Bio. I want to double up in science because I believe that my future career may revolve around science. Taking challenging courses and taking multiple science classes will ensure that my entrance into college will be a smooth one.

Michigan State-  The University of Michigan State is the college that appeals the most to me, for many reasons. A lot of my family and friends have gone to MSU and said that they have loved it. Personally, I have been there multiple times and love the campus; it is very spacious, beautiful, and sports play a major role in campus life. If I attend MSU I will most likely spend most my time at class, doing homework, watching a football game, or watching the Spartans play at Munn arena. In all, I believe MSU offers the best college experience for me.

Bachelor's Outline- 

  • I would most likely pursue a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.
  • This degree requires ~128 credits. Roughly 4-5 years.
  • Classes required to graduate include.
The following requirements for the major:

  1. a.All of the following courses outside the Department of Mechanical Engineering (13 credits):
    CEM161Chemistry Laboratory I1
    ECE345Electronic Instrumentation and Systems3
    MSE250Materials Science and Engineering3
    STT351Probability and Statistics for Engineering3
    b.All of the following courses in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (41 credits):
    ME280Graphic Communications2
    ME222Mechanics of Deformable Solids4
    ME332Fluid Mechanics4
    ME371Mechanical Design I3
    ME391Mechanical Engineering Analysis3
    ME410Heat Transfer3
    ME412Heat Transfer Laboratory2
    ME451Control Systems4
    ME461Mechanical Vibrations4
    ME471Mechanical Design II3
    ME481Mechanical Engineering Design Projects3
    c.Senior Electives (a minimum of 9 credits):
    ME416Computer Assisted Design of Thermal Systems3
    ME417Design of Alternative Energy Systems3
    ME422Introduction to Combustion3
    ME423Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids3
    ME425Experimental Mechanics3
    ME426Introduction to Composite Materials3
    ME440Aerospace Engineering Fundamentals3
    ME444Automotive Engines3
    ME445Automotive Powertrain Design3
    ME456Mechatronic System Design3
    ME464Intermediate Dynamics3
    ME465Computer Aided Optimal Design3
    ME475Computer Aided Design of Structures3
    ME477Manufacturing Processes3
    ME478Product Development3
    ME490Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering1 to 3
    ME491Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering1 to 4
    ME494Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer3
    ME495Tissue Mechanics3
    ME497Biomechanical Design3
    d.Design-intensive Senior Electives (a minimum of 3 credits):
    ME416Computer Assisted Design of Thermal Systems3
    ME417Design of Alternative Energy Systems3
    ME445Automotive Powertrain Design3
    ME456Mechatronic System Design3
    ME465Computer Aided Optimal Design3
    ME475Computer Aided Design of Structures3
    Courses used to fulfill item 3. c. may not be used to fulfill item 3. d.
Concentration in Biomechanical EngineeringA concentration in Biomechanical Engineering is available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in biomechanical engineering may require more than 128 credits. The concentration will be noted on the student's transcript.
Biomechanical Engineering
To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a biomechanical engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., 3.a., 3.b., and 3.d. above and the following:
Both of the following courses (7 credits):
BS161Cell and Molecular Biology3
PSL250Introductory Physiology4
Nine credits from the following courses:
ME494Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer3
ME495Tissue Mechanics3
ME497Biomechanical Design in Product Development3
ME490Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering1 to 4
ME491Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering1 to 4
MSE425Biomaterials and Biocompatibility3
Students must obtain department approval prior to enrollment in ME 490 or 491.
Concentration in Engineering MechanicsA concentration in Engineering Mechanics is available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in engineering mechanics may require more than 128 credits. The concentration will be noted on the student's transcript.
Engineering Mechanics
To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a engineering mechanics concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3.a., and 3.b. above and the following:
The following courses (12 credits):
ME423Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids3
ME425Experimental Mechanics3
ME464Intermediate Dynamics3
ME475Computer Aided Design of Structures3
Concentration in Manufacturing EngineeringA concentration in Manufacturing Engineering is available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in manufacturing engineering may require more than 128 credits. The concentration will be noted on the student's transcript.
Manufacturing EngineeringTo earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a manufacturing engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., 3.a., 3.b., and 3.d. above and the following:
All of the following courses (10 credits):
EC210Economics Principles Using Calculus3
ME372Machine Tool Laboratory1
ME477Manufacturing Processes3
ME478Product Development3
One of the following courses (3 credits):
CHE472Composite Materials Processing3
ECE415Computer Aided Manufacturing3
MSE426Introduction to Composite Materials3
Concentration in Global EngineeringA concentration in Global Engineering is available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in global engineering may require more than 128 credits. The concentration will be noted on the student's transcript.
Global EngineeringTo earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a global engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., 3.a., and 3.b. above and 12 credits of approved mechanical engineering courses from a MSU co-sponsored Study Abroad institution. At least 3 credits must include a team design project.

  • AP Credits- MSU does except AP credit upon passing the test applying to the course. This is good for me considering that I am in AP Lang and AP US at the moment and others next year. If the test is passed then MSU will not require a student to take a course that was previously passed in high school
College 4-5 year course selections-
1st year 1st semester,
CEM161Chemistry Laboratory I1
ECE345Electronic Instrumentation and Systems3
MSE250Materials Science and Engineering3
Probability and Statistics for Engineering
ME 361 Dynamics 3
Total credits=16
1st year 2nd semester,

ME332Fluid Mechanics4
ME371Mechanical Design I3
ME391Mechanical Engineering Analysis3
ME410Heat Transfer3
Total Credits= 16

2nd year 1st semester,

ME412Heat Transfer Laboratory2
ME451Control Systems4
ME461Mechanical Vibrations4
ME471Mechanical Design II3
ME481Mechanical Engineering Design Projects3
Total credits=16

2nd year 2nd semester,
ME280Graphic Communications2
ME222Mechanics of Deformable Solids4

ME416Computer Assisted Design of Thermal Systems3
ME417Design of Alternative Energy Systems3

3rd year 1st semester,
BS161Cell and Molecular Biology3
PSL250Introductory Physiology4
Nine credits from the following courses:
ME494Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer3
ME495Tissue Mechanics3
ME497Biomechanical Design in Product Development3
Total Credits=16
3rd year 2nd semester,
ME423Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids3
ME425Experimental Mechanics3
ME464Intermediate Dynamics3
ME475Computer Aided Design of Structures3

EC210Economics Principles Using Calculus             3
Total Credits=15
4th year 1st semester,
MSE426Introduction to Composite Materials3
ME372Machine Tool Laboratory1
ME477Manufacturing Processes3
ME478Product Development     3
ME490Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering 4
ME491Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering 4
Total Credits=18
4th year 2nd semester,
CHE472Composite Materials Processing3
ECE415Computer Aided Manufacturing3
MSE425Biomaterials and Biocompatibility3
ME445Automotive Powertrain Design3
ME456Mechatronic System Design3
Total Credits=15

Total credits acquired over 4 years= 127

Aerospace Engineering "Career Path"- This career sounds the most fun to be honest. Aerospace engineers create things like missiles, planes, rockets, rocket ships, satellites, ext how wouldn't that be fun? You are single handedly advancing mankind's technology and tasting the "future" everyday you show up at work. Aerospace Engineers tend to work for large companies like Boeing for instance. These companies are spread across the US and the rest of the world so finding work shouldn't be hard.
Importance of a Bachelor's Degree- The classes required to receive this degree will basically teach me everything about my profession. Without this education one would know nothing when applying for a job in the engineering field. You would of course need to prove yourself and work your way up in the industry to become extremely wealthy but hey a challenge only betters yourselves and your skills.
10 year post high school plan- I obviously see myself going to college and pursuing the profession of engineering, receiving my Bachelor's degree, graduating college, and then submitting my credentials to a notable employer. If that doesn't work I would probably create my own business that would create an innovative, finished product of some sort. It is hard to think this far into the future and to account for failure so the only thing that I can strive to do is to succeed in school and life wile dodging failure.      

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