Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Huck Finn Blog Post #2

    Huck and Jim's lives are not normal by any means. Yet, this is what draws them so close to each other. The best way to describe this relationship would be a father-son type. Huck is young, full of energy, and has a craving for adventure. He was born a leader and resembles the Father like figure between him and Jim. "But you knowed he was running for his freedom, and you could 'a' paddled ashore and told somebody"(Twain 91) In this situation Huck was floating down-river and was contemplating in his head if it was the right decision to free Jim. But like any good father he dedicated himself to help his "son" Jim find freedom. As long as Huck stays headstrong Jim's freedom will be imminent.
    When Jim ran away from Miss Watson's estate he had made a very risky decision but it was a necessary one. Despite a bounty now placed on his head he still keeps his cool through all the obstacles and hardships he encounters. The main reason why he can maintain himself is due to Huck. Alone Jim is weak but with Huck the two are incredibly strong. "But, Huck, it's all jis' as plaint me as---""It don't make no difference how plain it is; there ain't nothing in it. I know because I've been here all the time."(Twain 88) This is an instance were Jim got into an argument with Huck about a dream he had about fog separating them from each other on the river but like any "son" like figure in a family Jim lost the battle to his "Father" Huck. In all, if these two stick together throughout their dangerous adventures they will always be on the winning side safe and sound.               

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