Sunday, January 8, 2012

Huck Finn Blog Post #1

    While reading the first ten chapters of the Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Huck possessed a very strong and diverse personality. "I was most ready to cry; but all at once I thought of a way, and so I offered them Miss Watson---they could kill her."(17-18) This quote is an example of Huck's humble and sometimes foolish personality. In order for Huck to enter Tom Sawyer's robber clan the boys thought of a great idea to enforce the clan's rules. If one were to snitch on the clan there family would be killed but Huck had no immediate family so the first person that came to his mind as a family figure was Miss Watson. He didn't know any better. All that was on his mind was being part of an awesome robber clan. If this required sacrificing Miss Watson who was his only mother figure in his life he would do it but most likely regret it later. This is just one example of Huck's extremely humble personality.
    Above all Huckleberry Finn's personality is best described as drastically confident. "Before he was t'other side of the river I was out of the hole; him and his raft was just a speck on the water away off yonder."(40) The first second Huck set foot in his Dad's cabin he told himself that in one way or another he was going to escape. Which he did in chapter seven by sawing a hole through the cabin wall. Even if his father wasn't a violent drunk Huck most likely would have still ran away. When he sets his sights on a goal he will achieve it and hurdle any obstacles in his way. Huck simply lives an "in the moment" kind of life accompanied by a very headstrong personality. Hopefully this confident Personality will not lead to Huck's demise.    

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