Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Huck Finn Post #3

    After losing Jim on the Mississippi River Huck yet again is laking a family like presence in his life. It did not take him long though to settle down with another family. Huck stumbled out of the river only to be greeted at gunpoint by the Grangerford family. They finally realized he was not a family enemy and accepted Huck into their massive plantation home. The Grangerfords is a rather odd family that is basically at war with the Shepherdsons and the two will kill each other on site. The interior of the Grangerford estate is a crude environment at best. Tacky artwork and decorations were plastered on the walls of the home. Most of the art was composed by Emmeline, the Grangerford's young and deceased daughter. "One was a woman in a slim black dress... and she was leaning pensive on a tombstone on her right elbow."(Twain 103) Her art was focussed solely on death. Twain in doing this was mocking the victorian age in a humorous way.
    The Grangerfords live a very sad life. The feud between them and the Shepherdsons has raged on for years. This is quite fascinating though because there is absolutely no driving force behind this hatred."I says: Did you want to kill him, Buck? Well, I bet I did. What did he do to you? Him? He never done nothing to me. Well, then, what did you want to kill him for? Why, nothing-only it's on account of the feud."(Twain 109) This conversation within Itself is sad. Buck Grangerford was going to kill an innocent person all because of an out-dated feud. The hunter in this situation didn't even know why he was going to kill his prey. Later on Buck is hunted down and killed which is probably one of the most dramatic and sad scene in the the entire novel. I just find it sad and can't comprehend why someone would kill another without a cause and on top of that kill a kid.
    Within this awful feud there is also many references to the play "Romeo and Juliet". Both families are rich and located at the top of society. Both murder each other. Both have no moral reason for all the trouble they cause. The main allusion regarding the two families though is the crush between Harney Shepherdson and Sophia Grangerford. "She pulled me in and shut the door; then she looked in the Testament till she found the paper, and as soon as she read it she looked glad."(Twain 112) The two ran away together leaving their awful families behind. This caused a huge battle between the two families when they realized what had happened and unfortunately it was Buck's last. Instead of the two lovers dying another family member did. In doing this Twain basically mocked Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" by changing the conclusion. In all, Huck's experience with the Grangerfords was unique and he learned many moral lessons necessary to make it in the world he was living in back then.          

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Huck Finn Blog Post #2

    Huck and Jim's lives are not normal by any means. Yet, this is what draws them so close to each other. The best way to describe this relationship would be a father-son type. Huck is young, full of energy, and has a craving for adventure. He was born a leader and resembles the Father like figure between him and Jim. "But you knowed he was running for his freedom, and you could 'a' paddled ashore and told somebody"(Twain 91) In this situation Huck was floating down-river and was contemplating in his head if it was the right decision to free Jim. But like any good father he dedicated himself to help his "son" Jim find freedom. As long as Huck stays headstrong Jim's freedom will be imminent.
    When Jim ran away from Miss Watson's estate he had made a very risky decision but it was a necessary one. Despite a bounty now placed on his head he still keeps his cool through all the obstacles and hardships he encounters. The main reason why he can maintain himself is due to Huck. Alone Jim is weak but with Huck the two are incredibly strong. "But, Huck, it's all jis' as plaint me as---""It don't make no difference how plain it is; there ain't nothing in it. I know because I've been here all the time."(Twain 88) This is an instance were Jim got into an argument with Huck about a dream he had about fog separating them from each other on the river but like any "son" like figure in a family Jim lost the battle to his "Father" Huck. In all, if these two stick together throughout their dangerous adventures they will always be on the winning side safe and sound.               

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Huck Finn Blog Post #1

    While reading the first ten chapters of the Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Huck possessed a very strong and diverse personality. "I was most ready to cry; but all at once I thought of a way, and so I offered them Miss Watson---they could kill her."(17-18) This quote is an example of Huck's humble and sometimes foolish personality. In order for Huck to enter Tom Sawyer's robber clan the boys thought of a great idea to enforce the clan's rules. If one were to snitch on the clan there family would be killed but Huck had no immediate family so the first person that came to his mind as a family figure was Miss Watson. He didn't know any better. All that was on his mind was being part of an awesome robber clan. If this required sacrificing Miss Watson who was his only mother figure in his life he would do it but most likely regret it later. This is just one example of Huck's extremely humble personality.
    Above all Huckleberry Finn's personality is best described as drastically confident. "Before he was t'other side of the river I was out of the hole; him and his raft was just a speck on the water away off yonder."(40) The first second Huck set foot in his Dad's cabin he told himself that in one way or another he was going to escape. Which he did in chapter seven by sawing a hole through the cabin wall. Even if his father wasn't a violent drunk Huck most likely would have still ran away. When he sets his sights on a goal he will achieve it and hurdle any obstacles in his way. Huck simply lives an "in the moment" kind of life accompanied by a very headstrong personality. Hopefully this confident Personality will not lead to Huck's demise.