Sunday, June 10, 2012


    I did not use Evernote throughout the course of the year. There are a few reasons why I chose this path. For the most part I felt like the note pad that came with the i pad was suitable enough for all the demands of the class. I would type up my assignment, then copy and paste it into my school e mail, send it to myself and finish it on my own at home. I guess there was really no reason that appealed to me that would make me use anything else over the tools already given to me through the i pad. Until Evernote comes out with some groundbreaking feature I will most likely continue not to use it. The only suggestion i have for Evernote is to go big or go home. Make your application the only one of it's kind. Bigger, better, stronger wins the race and the minds of the people.                         

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Pads

1, The i pads were actually extremly helpful in the classroom environment. Of all the useful tools the i pad has to offer the one that apealed to me the most was having the internet available. It sounds vague but the i pad truly is a mini computer. Every assignment Mr. P gave to the class involved the use of the internet in a way. This made it very easy to complete projects and home work in class.  No question was too challenging because if i didn't know the answer i would just begin to tap on my i pad. It was a good feeling to know that all the knowledge in the world was harnessed in my palms. In all, the i pads were a great resource to control in the classroom setting.

2, The i pads were very useful but there were some minor flaws. The i pads are convienient and all but the small size brings along some inconveniences. Personally, I could never see myself typing up a lengthy paper on an i pad. The keyboard is sensitive, small, and lacking some keys. I know that there isn't that many ways to fix this problem without sacrificing size and portability. I also know that an i pad was not techniqally made to hammer out large assignments. I can never see an i pad replacing a desktop or a laptop. There are small flaws here and there with the i pad but my biggest grievance is by far the key board.

3, The school should deffinatly consider putting a 1:1 i pad system in place. With this in place I can only see improvement. If our school acquires the funds to do so there would be many advantages. Students would not need to carry around textbooks and notebooks with them because the i pad would be doing that for them. This would be not only very very helpful but it's various apps would also keep students organized. These are just small scale examples. Using i pads for all these things would also aid the environment greatly. One would not need as many writing utencils and above all paper. Not only would the students prosper but the environment would as well.