Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trial Reaction

I conclude that verdict chosen by the Jury was the correct one.

            Props to the prosecution though. Without a doubt they had the hardest job in this trial. Coming into the trial I firmly believed that the Jury would almost entirely all be on the non-racist side of the argument. Yet again this would just make it harder on the prosecution to provide the Jury with substantial evidence and to get their point across.
            The defense and witnesses did a great job as well. It was truthfully entertaining to watch the prosecution and defense go at it sometimes and the look on some of the witness’s faces was hilarious. In some cases I felt that the defense was very weak and then they let down their guard a bit. The prosecution tried to pounce but had little luck considering the small amount of evidence they had. All in all it was a hard fought battle but in the end the defense prevailed.    
I personally voted non-guilty due to the lack of evidence I was presented with. Lets face it though its not like the book was oozing good evidence for the prosecution to use. The only thing that anyone pulled out of it was the use of the word nigger. This was the prosecution’s one and basically only argument. If Twain used this word he should be deemed as an automatic racist. This claim is one hundred percent false though. Modern day society views the word as god-awful but back then the truth was that it really wasn’t that bad to use. Let me put it this way it’s not like there was a good name for a slave that didn’t put them down in any degree. Twain was just being respectful of the time period. This is my opinion and this is why I voted for non-guilty.    

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